Index of Spells by Level - EmBarachiel 3

Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Charm Monster
Will negates - Yes Beguiler 4, Bestial 5, Brd 3, Charm 5, EmBarachiel 3, HB 3, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S
1 day/level Close 1 hour

Makes monster believe it is your ally.

None - No Arc 3, Asn 4, Beguiler 3, Brd 3, Drow 2, EmBarachiel 3, Hoard 3, Knowledge 3, Mental 3, Planning 3, Shu 3, Sin-L 3, Sor/Wiz 3 V, S, F/DF
1 min./level (D) Long General

Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.

Cure Serious Wounds
Will half (harmless); see text - Yes (harmless); see text Adp 3, APeace 3, Arc 3, Blk 3, Brd 3, BVal 3, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 3, Drd 4, EmBarachiel 3, Healing 3, Hlr 3, HotD 3, Pal 4, Rgr 4, Shu 3 V, S
Instant Touch General

Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).

None - No Adp 3, Arc 3, Brd 3, ChamGwyn 3, Clr 3, Drd 3, EmBarachiel 3, HotD 3, Pal 3, Shu 3, Sor/Wiz 3 V, S
10 min./level (D) Touch 4 hours

60-ft. radius of bright light.

Deep Slumber
Will negates - Yes Asn 3, Beguiler 3, Brd 3, Dream 3, EmBarachiel 3, HB 3, Sin-S 3, Sor/Wiz 3 V, S, M
1 min./level Close General

Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.

Dispel Magic
None - No APeace 3, Arc 3, Beguiler 3, Blg 3, Brd 3, ChamGwyn 3, Clr 3, Drd 4, Duskblade 4, EmBarachiel 3, HB 3, Hoard 3, KotC 3, Magic 3, Pal 3, Shu 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Wuj 3 V, S
Instant Medium General

Cancels magical spells and effects.

Lesser Geas
Will negates - Yes Brd 3, EmBarachiel 3, Sor/Wiz 4 V
1 day/level or until discharged (D) Close General

Commands subject of 7 HD or less.

Good Hope
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) APeace 4, Arc 4, Brd 3, Charm 4, EmBarachiel 3, Joy 4, Moon 4, Wuj 4 V, S
1 min./level Medium 30 minutes

Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

Fortitude negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) Arc 3, Beguiler 3, Brd 3, Celerity 4, EmBarachiel 3, Shu 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Time 3, Wuj 3 V, S, M
1 round/level Close General

One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.

  APeace 3, Arc 3, Brd 3, Clr 3, EmBarachiel 3, Endurance 3, SaveLife 3, Vassal of Bahamut 3  

Cures creatures of all nonlethal damage.

Remove Curse
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) Adp 3, APeace 3, Arc 3, Brd 3, ChamGwyn 3, Clr 3, EmBarachiel 3, Exorcism 3, Hlr 3, Pal 3, Shu 3, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 3 V, S
Instant Touch General

Frees object or person from curse.

Scrying (F)
Will negates - Yes APeace 5, Arc 5, Brd 3, Clr 5, Drd 4, EmBarachiel 3, HB 4, MH 3, Oracle 4, Shu 5, Sin-L 5, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S, F, M/DF
1 min./level See text General

Spies on subject from a distance.

See Invisibility
- Adp 2, Arc 2, Beguiler 2, Brd 3, Duskblade 2, EmBarachiel 3, HB 2, MH 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Truth 3, Wuj 2 V, S, M
10 min./level (D) Personal 4 hours

Reveals invisible creatures or objects.