Index of Spells by Domain - Tyranny

Deities: Bane (LE), Hextor (LE), Ilsensine (LE), Tiamat (LE), Typhos (LE), Vecna (NE), Wee Jas (LN)

Name: Tyranny

Granted Power: The saving throw DC of any compulsion spell you cast increases by 1.

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Expensive Focus
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Full Description
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language-Dependent] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, Domination 1, Pact 1, Tyranny 1 V
1 round Close General
Target: One living creature

One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.

You give the subject a single command, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. You may select from the following options.

Approach: On its turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round. The creature may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Drop: On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can't pick up any dropped item until its next turn.

Fall: On its turn, the subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties.

Flee: On its turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round. It may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless.

If the subject can't carry out your command on its next turn, the spell automatically fails.

Enchantment (Charm) [Sonic] [Mind-Affecting] [Language-Dependent] 1 round SRD
Will negates; see text - Yes APeace 2, Arc 2, Brd 2, Clr 2, Domination 2, EmBarachiel 2, HB 2, Herald 2, Nobility 2, Tyranny 2 V, S
1 hour or less Medium General
Targets: Any number of creatures

Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.

If you have the attention of a group of creatures, you can use this spell to hold them spellbound. To cast the spell, you must speak or sing without interruption for 1 full round. Thereafter, those affected give you their undivided attention, ignoring their surroundings. They are considered to have an attitude of friendly while under the effect of the spell. Any potentially affected creature of a race or religion unfriendly to yours gets a +4 bonus on the saving throw.

A creature with 4 or more HD or with a Wisdom score of 16 or higher remains aware of its surroundings and has an attitude of indifferent. It gains a new saving throw if it witnesses actions that it opposes.

The effect lasts as long as you speak or sing, to a maximum of 1 hour. Those enthralled by your words take no action while you speak or sing and for 1d3 rounds thereafter while they discuss the topic or performance. Those entering the area during the performance must also successfully save or become enthralled. The speech ends (but the 1d3-round delay still applies) if you lose concentration or do anything other than speak or sing.

If those not enthralled have unfriendly or hostile attitudes toward you, they can collectively make a Charisma check to try to end the spell by jeering and heckling. For this check, use the Charisma bonus of the creature with the highest Charisma in the group; others may make Charisma checks to assist. The heckling ends the spell if this check result beats your Charisma check result. Only one such challenge is allowed per use of the spell.

If any member of the audience is attacked or subjected to some other overtly hostile act, the spell ends and the previously enthralled members become immediately unfriendly toward you. Each creature with 4 or more HD or with a Wisdom score of 16 or higher becomes hostile.

Discern Lies
Divination 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - No APeace 4, Arc 4, BVal 3, ChamGwyn 3, Clr 4, Drow 4, Inquisition 4, KotC 4, Mind 4, Nobility 4, Pal 3, Shu 4, Truth 4, Tyranny 3, Vassal of Bahamut 3 V, S, DF
Concentration, up to 1 round/level Close 6 hours
Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Reveals deliberate falsehoods.

Each round, you concentrate on one subject, who must be within range. You know if the subject deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie by discerning disturbances in its aura caused by lying. The spell does not reveal the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessarily reveal evasions.

Each round, you may concentrate on a different subject.

Necromancy [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will partial - Yes Brd 3, HB 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Tyranny 4 V, S, M
1 round/level or 1 round; see text 30 ft. General
Area: Cone-shaped burst

Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.

An invisible cone of terror causes each living creature in the area to become panicked unless it succeeds on a Will save. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering. If the Will save succeeds, the creature is shaken for 1 round.

Greater Command
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language-Dependent] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes APeace 5, Arc 5, Clr 5, Domination 5, Herald 5, Nobility 5, Passion 5, Tyranny 5 V
1 round/level Close General
Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

As command, but affects one subject/level.

This spell functions like command, except that up to one creature per level may be affected, and the activities continue beyond 1 round. At the start of each commanded creatures action after the first, it gets another Will save to attempt to break free from the spell. Each creature must receive the same command.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language-Dependent] 10 minutes SRD
None - Yes APeace 6, Arc 6, Brd 6, Charm 6, Clr 6, Domination 6, Fate 6, Inquisition 6, Nobility 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Tyranny 6, Wuj 6 V
1 day/level or until discharged (D) Close General
Target: One living creature

As geas, lesser, plus it affects any creature.

A geas/quest places a magical command on a creature to carry out some service or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by you. The creature must be able to understand you. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity.

The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed, no matter how long it takes.

If the instructions involve some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through his own actions the spell remains in effect for a maximum of one day per caster level. A clever recipient can subvert some instructions:

If the subject is prevented from obeying the geas/quest for 24 hours, it takes 3d6 points of damage each day it does not attempt to follow the geas/quest. Additionally, each day it must make a Fortitude saving throw or become sickened. These effects end 24 hours after the creature attempts to resume the geas/quest.

A remove curse spell ends a geas/quest spell only if its caster level is at least two higher than your caster level. Break enchantment does not end a geas/quest, but limited wish, miracle, and wish do.

Bards, sorcerers, and wizards usually refer to this spell as geas, while clerics call the same spell quest.

Grasping Hand
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Sor/Wiz 7, Strength 7, Tyranny 7 V, S, F/DF
1 round/level (D) Medium General
Effect: 10-ft. hand

Large hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.

This spell functions like interposing hand, except the hand can also grapple one opponent that you select. The grasping hand gets one grapple attack per round.

Its attack bonus to make contact equals your caster level + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (for wizards, clerics, and sorcerers, respectively), +10 for the hands Strength score (31), -1 for being Large. Its grapple bonus is this same figure, except with a +4 modifier for being Large instead of -1. The hand holds but does not harm creatures it grapples.

Directing the spell to a new target is a move action.

The grasping hand can also bull rush an opponent as forceful hand does, but at a +16 bonus on the Strength check (+10 for Strength 35, +4 for being Large, and a +2 bonus for charging, which it always gets), or interpose itself as interposing hand does.

Clerics who cast this spell name it for their deities.

Mass Charm Monster
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes Brd 6, Sin-P 9, Sor/Wiz 8, Tyranny 8 V
1 day/level Close 1 hour
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.

This spell functions like charm monster, except that mass charm monster affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice your level, or at least one creature regardless of HD. If there are more potential targets than you can affect, you choose them one at a time until you choose a creature with too many HD.

This charm makes a creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the targets attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.

The spell does not enable you to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldnt ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed creature breaks the spell. You must speak the persons language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.

Dominate Monster
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 round SRD
Will negates - Yes Beguiler 9, Charm 9, Dragon 9, Passion 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Tyranny 9, Wuj 9 V, S
1 day/level Close 1 hour
Target: One creature

As dominate person, but any creature.

You can control the actions of any creature through a telepathic link that you establish with the subjects mind.

If you and the subject have a common language, you can generally force the subject to perform as you desire, within the limits of its abilities. If no common language exists, you can communicate only basic commands, such as Come here, Go there, Fight, and Stand still. You know what the subject is experiencing, but you do not receive direct sensory input from it, nor can it communicate with you telepathically.

Once you have given a dominated creature a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities except those necessary for day-to-day survival (such as sleeping, eating, and so forth). Because of this limited range of activity, a Sense Motive check against DC 15 (rather than DC 25) can determine that the subject's behavior is being influenced by an enchantment effect (see the Sense Motive skill description).

Changing your instructions or giving a dominated creature a new command is the equivalent of redirecting a spell, so it is a move action.

By concentrating fully on the spell (a standard action), you can receive full sensory input as interpreted by the mind of the subject, though it still can't communicate with you. You can't actually see through the subject's eyes, so it's not as good as being there yourself, but you still get a good idea of what's going on.

Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out. Once control is established, the range at which it can be exercised is unlimited, as long as you and the subject are on the same plane. You need not see the subject to control it.

If you don't spend at least 1 round concentrating on the spell each day, the subject receives a new saving throw to throw off the domination.

Protection from evil or a similar spell can prevent you from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the subject is so warded, but such an effect neither prevents the establishment of domination nor dispels it.