Harp of the Immortal Maestro

NameHarp of the Immortal Maestro
Sorted NameHarp of the Immortal Maestro
Item SlotHeld
Price51,000 gp
Price as Gold Pieces51000
Weight3 lb
AuraModerate abjuration, conjuration, illusion, and transmutation
Caster Level9
VersionComplete Adventurer
SourcesComplete Adventurer

Craft Wondrous Item, cure critical wounds, displacement, levitate, magic circle against evil, summon monster V, creator must have 15 ranks in Perform (string instruments)

Source Description: WotC Complete Book

Source Copyright: Complete Adventurer Copyright 2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Jesse Decker

The Closed content displayed above has been reproduced without permission from the copyright holder.