Index of Items by Family - Spellbook Protection

Name Family Category SubCategory Price
Glamered Spellbook Protection Item  Spellcasting and Services  +2000 gp 
Levitating Spellbook Protection Item  Spellcasting and Services  +2,000 gp 
Pungent Spellbook Protection Item  Spellcasting and Services  +2000 gp 
Resistant to Energy (Major) Spellbook Protection Item  Spellcasting and Services  +3,000 gp 
Resistant to Energy (Minor) Spellbook Protection Item  Spellcasting and Services  +1,000 gp 
Spelltrapped Spellbook Protection Item  Spellcasting and Services   
Waterproof Spellbook Protection Item  Spellcasting and Services  +1,000 gp