Index of Spells by Domain - Sin-S

Deities: Brandobaris (N), Cyrrollalee (LG), Erevan Ilesere (CN), Finder Wyvernspur (CN), Gargauth (LE), Hathor (NG), Lliira (CG), Luthic (NE), Mask (NE), Milil (NG), Olidammara (CN), Sharess (CG), Sharindlar (CG), Sheela Peryroyl (N), Tymora (CG), Vergadain (N), Waukeen (N)

Name: Sin-Sloth

Granted Power: You are closest to your god while lazing and relaxing. You suffer no penalty to Armor Class against melee attacks while prone.

Touch of Fatigue
Unseen Servant
Deep Slumber
Symbol of Sleep (M)
Waves of Fatigue
Shadow Walk
Waves of Exhaustion
Astral Projection (M)