Index of Spells by Sources - MotW


Name Scl Sv Rs Dur CT Rng Re Description
Mass Awaken (XP) T N Y ! 1d M G

As awaken, but multiple creatures.

Beget Bogun (XP) C N N ! 1a T G

You create a Tiny nature servant.

Blight N Y ! 1a T G

Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level (max 15d6) damage to plant creature.

Bloodhound D N N 1d* 1a P G

You gain an immediate retry if you fail a Survival check while tracking.

Body Of The Sun T Y 1r/l 1a 5f G

Your body emanates flame, dealing 1d4/2 levels (max 5d4) fire damage.

Bottle of Smoke (F) C N N 1h/l 10m T 6h

Uncorking bottle creates fast horse made of smoke.

Briar Web T R- N 1m/l 1a M 30m

Area slows creatures and thorns deal 1 point of piercing damage/5 ft. moved.

Camouflage T N N 10m/l 1a P 1h

Grants +10 bonus on Hide checks.

Cloak of the Sea T W- Y 1h/l* 1a T 6h

Gain blur, freedom of movement, and water breathing while in water.

Contagious Touch N F- Y 1r/l 1a T G

You infect one creature per round with chosen disease.

Countermoon A W-D Y 12h 1a C 12h

Stop a lycanthrope from changing form, even after death, for 12 hours.

Creeping Cold (F) T Y 3r 1a C G

Creature takes 1d6 cumulative cold damage that increases with each round (2d6, 3d6).

Greater Creeping Cold (F) T Y x 1a C G

As creeping cold, but accumulates 1 extra round (2 at level 15).

Dawn A F- Y ! 1sw 15f G

Swift, Awaken sleeping and unconscious creatures.

Decomposition N N Y 1r/l 1a 50f G

Wounds deal 3 extra point of damage each round.

Detect Favored Enemy D N N C:10m/l* 1a 60f G

You know if favored enemies are within 60 ft.

Embrace the Wild T N N 10m/l* 1a P 1h

You gain an animal's senses for 10 min./level.

Forestfold T N N 1h/l* 1a P 6h

You gain +20 on Hide and Move Silently in a designated terrain type.

Hawkeye T N N 10m/l 1a P 1h

You gain +5 on spot checks and fire ranged weapons better.

Languor T W- Y 1r/l 1a C G

Ray slows target and diminishes its Strength.

Last Breath (M) N N Y ! 1a T G

Returns to life a creature that has been dead no longer than 1 round. As raise dead, except to 0 hp. You take 1d4 damage/HD of creature.

Miasma Ev F- Y 3r/l 1a C G

Gas fills creature's mouth, suffocating it.

Nature's Avatar T W- Y 1m/l 1sw T 30m

Animal gains +10 on attack and damage, extra attack, and 1d8 hp/caster level.

Nature's Favor Ev W- Y 1m 1sw T G

Target animal gains +1/3 caster levels (max +5) luck bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Sandblast Ev Y ! 1a 10f G

You fire hot sand that deals 1d6 nonlethal damage, stuns enemies.

Slime Wave C R- N 1r/l 1a C G

Creates 15-ft. spread of green slime.

Standing Wave T R- Y 10m/l 1a C G

Magically propels boat or swimming creature.

Vigor C W- Y 10r+1r/l (<=25r) 1a T G

As vigor, lesser, but grants fast healing 2.

Greater Vigor C W- Y 10r+1r/l (<=35r) 1a T G

As vigor, lesser, but grants fast healing 4 instead.

Lesser Vigor C W- Y 10r+1r/l (<=15r) 1a T G

Creature heals 1 hp/round (max 15 rounds).

Mass Lesser Vigor C W- Y 10r+1r/l (<=25r) 1a 20f G

Subjects gain fast healing 1.

Vigorous Circle C W- Y 10r+1r/l (<=40r) 1a 20f G

As vigor, mass lesser, but grants fast healing 3.

Waterball Ev Y ! 1a L G

Splash does subdual damage.

Wood Wose C N N 1h/l 1a C 1h

Nature spirit does simple tasks for you.